Common Sports Injuries

Common sports injuries is the place to get information and help for your sports injury. We understand how frustrating it is when you have to sit out your favorite sport because of injury.

We hope to help you understand and learn exactly what the cause of your injury is, help you with the best sports injury treatment and teach you how to prevent injuries for the future.

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Top 10 Sports Injuries

Top 10 Athletes

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So what are the top 10 most common sports injuries? Some of the answers are quite obvious however a few are slightly unheard of. Here is the list.

  1. Ankle Sprains
  2. Knee dislocation
  3. Elbow
  4. Shoulder



  1. Lindsey Vonn (9 injuries)
  2. Rafael Nadal (8 injuries)
  3. Eden Hazard (8 injuries)
  4. Sidney Crosby (7 injuries)
  5. Sergio Agüero (7 injuries)
  6. Serena Williams (7 injuries)
  7. Kobe Bryant (7 injuries)
  8. Joel Embiid (7 injuries)
  9. Franck Ribéry (7 injuries)
  10. Dwight Howard (7 injuries)

Common Sports Injuries: Comprehensive List

This comprehensive table covers a wide range of common and less common sports injuries, providing descriptions, common causes, prevention tips, and treatment options. Understanding these injuries can help athletes, coaches, and healthcare providers recognize, prevent, and effectively treat various conditions, ensuring athletes maintain their health and performance. If you experience symptoms of any of these injuries, it's crucial to seek appropriate medical advice and treatment.

General Injuries

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Sprains Ankle Sprains, Wrist Sprains, Knee Sprains, Thumb Sprains Stretching or tearing of ligaments Ankles, Knees, Wrists, Thumbs Sudden twist or fall Proper warm-up, avoid uneven surfaces Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Strains Hamstring Strains, Lower Back Strains, Quadriceps Strains, Calf Strains Stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons Hamstrings, Lower back, Quadriceps, Calves Overstretching, overuse Regular stretching, strengthening exercises Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Fractures Arm Fractures, Leg Fractures, Wrist Fractures, Ankle Fractures, Rib Fractures Breaks in bones Arms, Legs, Wrists, Ankles, Ribs Direct blow, fall, overuse Protective gear, safe techniques Cast, Surgery, Physical Therapy
Dislocations Shoulder Dislocations, Finger Dislocations, Knee Dislocations, Elbow Dislocations Bones forced out of their normal positions Shoulders, Fingers, Knees, Elbows Fall, impact Proper technique, strength training Reduction, Immobilization, Physical Therapy
Concussions - Traumatic brain injuries Head Blows to the head, falls Protective headgear, awareness of surroundings Rest, Gradual return to activities, Medical supervision

Tendon and Muscle Injuries

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Tendinitis Elbow Tendinitis, Shoulder Tendinitis, Wrist Tendinitis, Achilles Tendinitis Inflammation of a tendon Elbows, Shoulders, Wrists, Achilles Overuse, repetitive motion Gradual increase in activity, proper technique Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Quadriceps Injuries Quadriceps Strains, Quadriceps Contusions Injuries to the quadriceps muscles Thigh Sudden acceleration, overuse Warm-up exercises, strength training Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Muscle Injuries Hamstring Strains, Calf Strains, Bicep Strains Tears or strains in muscle tissue Various muscle groups Overexertion, sudden movements Regular conditioning, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Groin Injuries Groin Strain, Groin Pull Injuries to the inner thigh muscles Inner thigh Sudden change in direction, overuse Warm-up, strengthening exercises Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Thigh Injuries Quadriceps Strain, Hamstring Strain, Thigh Contusion, Groin Strain Injury to the muscles of the thigh, can result in pain, swelling, and difficulty in movement. Front and back of the thigh, inner thigh Overuse, sudden acceleration or deceleration, direct impact Warm up properly, stretch regularly, strengthen thigh muscles, avoid overuse Rest, ice, compression, elevation, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications
Snapping Hip Syndrome - Snapping sensation in the hip Hip Tight muscles, repetitive motion Stretching, proper warm-up Rest, Ice, Stretching, Physical Therapy
Chest Injuries Pectoral Muscle Strain, Rib Fracture, Sternum Injury Injuries to the chest area, including muscles and bones, causing pain, difficulty in breathing, or movement. Chest, ribs, sternum Direct impact, overuse, heavy lifting Use proper lifting techniques, wear protective gear in contact sports Rest, ice, compression, pain medication, physical therapy, surgery (if needed)
Gluteal Muscle Injuries Gluteal Strain, Gluteal Tear Tears or strains in gluteal muscles Buttocks Overuse, sudden movements Strengthening exercises, proper warm-up Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Core Muscle Injuries Core Strain, Abdominal Muscle Tear Tears or strains in core muscles Abdomen Overexertion, poor technique Strengthening exercises, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Calf Injuries Calf Strain, Muscle Tear, Achilles Tendonitis, Achilles Tendon Rupture Injury to the muscles or tendons in the calf, causing pain and difficulty in movement. Back of the lower leg Overuse, sudden acceleration or deceleration, improper stretching Warm up properly, stretch regularly, strengthen calf muscles, avoid overuse Rest, ice, compression, elevation, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications

Joint and Ligament Injuries

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Knee Injuries Ligament Tears, Meniscus Tears, Patellar Tendinitis, Runner's Knee Injuries to knee ligaments, meniscus, or cartilage Knee Twisting motions, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Surgery, Physical Therapy
Elbow Injuries Tennis Elbow, Golfer's Elbow, Elbow Bursitis Injuries to ligaments or tendons in the elbow Elbow Overuse, repetitive motions Proper technique, regular conditioning Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Hip Injuries Labral Tears, Osteitis Pubis, Hip Flexor Strain Injuries to the hip joint or surrounding muscles Hip Overuse, impact Strength training, proper warm-up Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Shoulder Injuries Rotator Cuff Tears, Labral Tears, Shoulder Impingement Injuries to the shoulder joint or surrounding muscles Shoulder Overuse, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Surgery, Physical Therapy
Wrist Injuries Wrist Sprains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Injuries to the ligaments or tendons in the wrist Wrist Falls, overuse Wrist guards, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Ankle Injuries Ankle Sprains, Achilles Tendinitis Injuries to the ligaments or tendons in the ankle Ankle Twisting motions, impact Strength training, proper footwear Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Ligament Injuries ACL Tears, MCL Tears, PCL Tears Tears or strains in ligaments Various joints Twisting motions, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Surgery, Physical Therapy

Specific Conditions and Syndromes

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Shin Splints Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Pain along the shin bone Shin Overuse, improper footwear Gradual increase in activity, proper footwear Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Osgood-Schlatter Disease - Inflammation below the knee Knee Growth spurts, overuse Proper warm-up, gradual increase in activity Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) - Pain on the outer part of the knee Knee Overuse, improper technique Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Chondromalacia Patellae (Runner’s Knee) - Softening of the cartilage under the kneecap Knee Overuse, misalignment Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Exertional Compartment Syndrome - Pain and swelling in a muscle compartment Legs Overuse, repetitive motion Gradual increase in activity, proper technique Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Surgery
Sever’s Disease - Inflammation of the growth plate in the heel Heel Growth spurts, overuse Proper footwear, gradual increase in activity Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Synovitis - Inflammation of the synovial membrane Joints Overuse, injury Proper warm-up, regular conditioning Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Osteitis Pubis - Inflammation of the pubic symphysis Groin Overuse, impact Proper warm-up, strength training Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy

Bone and Cartilage Injuries

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Stress Fractures Tibial Stress Fractures, Metatarsal Stress Fractures Small cracks in bones Legs, Feet Overuse, repetitive impact Gradual increase in activity, proper footwear Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Heel Spurs - Bony growths on the heel Heel Overuse, improper footwear Proper footwear, stretching exercises Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Rib Injuries Rib Fractures, Rib Contusions Fractures or bruises in the ribs Ribs Direct blow, impact Protective gear, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Facial Injuries> Facial Fractures, Jaw Injuries, Facial Contusions Injuries to the face, including bones and soft tissues, causing pain, swelling, and functional impairment. Jaw, cheekbones, nose, facial soft tissues Sports injuries, falls, direct impacts, accidents Wear protective gear during high-risk activities, practice safety measures to avoid falls and impacts Rest, ice, pain management, surgery for fractures, physical therapy for functional recovery
Labral Tears Shoulder Labral Tears, Hip Labral Tears Tears in the labrum of the shoulder or hip Shoulder, Hip Overuse, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Surgery, Physical Therapy

Other Injuries and Conditions

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Blisters - Fluid-filled sacs on the skin Feet, Hands Friction, poor-fitting footwear Proper footwear, protective padding Clean and cover, allow to heal naturally
Bursitis Shoulder Bursitis, Elbow Bursitis Inflammation of the bursa Shoulders, Elbows Overuse, repetitive motion Regular conditioning, proper technique Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Contusions (Bruises) Muscle Contusions, Bone Contusions Bleeding under the skin Various body parts Direct blow, impact Protective gear, awareness of surroundings Rest, Ice, Compression
Cuts and Abrasions - Breaks in the skin Various body parts Falls, impact Protective gear, proper technique Clean and cover, allow to heal naturally
Sciatica - Pain along the sciatic nerve Lower back, Legs Herniated disc, spinal stenosis Regular conditioning, proper posture Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Foot Injuries Plantar Fasciitis, Stress Fractures Various injuries to the foot Foot Overuse, impact Proper footwear, strength training Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Kidney Injuries Kidney Contusions, Kidney Lacerations Trauma to the kidneys Abdomen Direct blow, impact Protective gear, awareness of surroundings Rest, Medical supervision
Eye Injuries Corneal Abrasions, Orbital Fractures Trauma to the eye Eyes Direct blow, impact Protective eyewear, awareness of surroundings Rest, Medical supervision
Neck Injuries Whiplash, Cervical Strain Various injuries to the neck Neck Whiplash, impact Strength training, proper posture Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Physical Therapy
Forearm Injuries Forearm Fractures, Muscle Strains Various injuries to the forearm Forearm Overuse, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Leg Injuries Quadriceps Strains, Hamstring Tears Various injuries to the leg Leg Overuse, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Head Injuries Concussions, Skull Fractures Various injuries to the head Head Direct blow, impact Protective headgear, awareness of surroundings Rest, Medical supervision
Hand Injuries Finger Fractures, Tendonitis Various injuries to the hand Hand Overuse, impact Protective gear, strength training Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Abdominal Injuries Muscle Strains, Internal Injuries Various injuries to the abdomen Abdomen Direct blow, impact Protective gear, strength training Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Mental Health Anxiety, Depression Psychological stress or disorders Mind Stress, performance pressure Mental health support, relaxation techniques Counseling, therapy, support groups
Sports Hernia - Pain in the lower abdomen or groin Groin, Lower abdomen Overuse, repetitive twisting motions Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Anti-inflammatory medications, Surgery
Cauliflower Ear - Deformity of the ear caused by trauma Ear Blows to the ear, repeated friction Protective headgear, proper technique Draining fluid, compressive dressing
Throat Injuries Vocal Cord Injury, Throat Contusion, Tracheal Injury Damage to the throat area, can affect breathing, speaking, and swallowing. Throat Blunt trauma, strangulation, sports injuries Wear protective gear in high-risk activities, avoid throat stress Rest, ice, pain medication, medical evaluation, surgery (in severe cases)

Body Region Injuries

Injury Type Injury Sub Types Description Common Areas Common Causes Prevention Tips Treatment Options
Back Injuries Lower Back Pain, Herniated Disc, Muscle Strain, Sciatica Pain or discomfort in the back, can be acute or chronic, involving muscles, discs, or nerves. Lower back, upper back, spinal column Poor posture, heavy lifting, sudden movements, sports injuries Maintain proper posture, use ergonomic furniture, lift correctly, strengthen core muscles Rest, physical therapy, pain medication, surgery (in severe cases), chiropractic care
Upper Body Injuries Shoulder Injuries, Elbow Injuries, Hand Injuries Various injuries to the upper body Shoulders, Arms, Hands Overuse, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy
Lower Body Injuries Knee Injuries, Ankle Injuries, Foot Injuries Various injuries to the lower body Legs, Feet, Ankles Overuse, impact Strength training, proper technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE), Physical Therapy

Sports Injury Treatment

Injuries must be treated immediately. You will be able to perform some methods of treatment yourself to help aid a faster recovery. We also cover more complex healing treatments such as infrared and massage therapies.

Common Sports Injury Prevention

Prevention of sports injuries is extremely important, especially for those who suffer frequent and common occurring injuries.

There is a range of products and exercises to help prevent future injury – if done correctly you will be healed and back to full fitness in no time