Trigger Finger

Why is it called a trigger finger? Sometimes, when you bend your finger, it stays bent before flicking out suddenly with a jerk.


Trigger finger starts with stiffness, sometimes pain and your finger and hand may feel warm As trigger finger becomes worse, when you bend your finger it will stick there and then flick out. You may also have hard or rubbery lumps at the base of the affected finger in your palm.


Trigger finger is usually caused by overuse, for example constantly gripping a racquet perfecting a shot or using finger strengthening equipment too frequently. It is also common in musicians and tradesmen.The tendon in the finger has a sheath around it and for whatever reason starts to narrow around the tendon. Inside the sheath and surrounding the tendon is a fluid, and if this becomes inflamed, there is less room for the tendon to operate and so there is restricted movement of the finger.


Seek medical advice firstly to find out how many trigger fingers need attention and the extent of the damage, as treatment for trigger finger can vary considerably.

For mild cases, simply resting the finger/s and avoiding any repetitive gripping for 4 or 5 weeks may be enough to return the finger/s to normal.

Your doctor may put a splint on your finger/s for about 6 weeks.

Anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to relieve the inflammation and ease the pain, or a cortisone injection may be necessary.

Trigger finger occasionally needs surgery when everything else has been tried, but your doctor may use a needle (under local anesthetic) and be able to release the locked finger before having to go forward with surgery.


Try and rest between practicing your activity and on waking in the mornings before you get out of bed, wiggle your fingers for a minute or two to get the blood flowing and keep the joints supple.