Ye Shiwen's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Swimming

Ye Shiwen's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Shoulder Injuries Left Shoulder 2017-07-14 Inflammation and pain in the shoulder, reduced ability to train at full capacity. Ye Shiwen was preparing for the World Championships with an intense training schedule, which led to an overuse injury in her left shoulder. Overuse injury due to intensive swimming training leading up to the World Championships. 8 weeks Rest, physical therapy, and gradual return to training. Had to reduce training intensity and missed some preparatory events. Concern about performance in upcoming competitions, but stayed determined. None in the shoulder area. Returned to competition in September 2017. Moderate Anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and physical therapy. Team doctor, physiotherapist, and sports psychologist. Potential for recurring issues if not managed properly. Adjusted training regimen to include more rest and recovery periods. Missed some preparatory events before the World Championships. Gradual onset of pain and discomfort in the shoulder. Moderate, requires careful management. Family, coaches, teammates, and medical staff. National sports training center.
Wrist Injuries Right Wrist 2015-03-20 Swelling and pain in the wrist, limited range of motion. Ye Shiwen was training intensively for upcoming competitions when she slipped and fell on the wet pool deck, injuring her right wrist. During a training session, Ye Shiwen slipped on the pool deck and fell awkwardly on her right wrist. 6 weeks Physical therapy sessions focusing on regaining strength and mobility in the wrist. Missed training sessions and had to withdraw from a minor competition. Frustration due to the interruption in training, but remained optimistic. None in the wrist area. Participated in a competition two months later. Moderate Immobilization with a wrist brace, followed by physical therapy. Team doctor and physiotherapist. None reported. Improved safety protocols around the pool deck. A minor local competition in April 2015. Immediate pain and swelling in the wrist. Low, with proper rehabilitation. Family, coaches, and teammates. Local sports clinic.

Ye Shiwen's Sports Injuries Videos

"Ye Shiwen is clean. End of story."

Lord Moynihan, the Chairman of the British Olympic Authority, says it is a shame for sport when an outstanding performance automatically arouses suspicion. Regarding Ye Shiwen, he emphasizes that she has passed all tests as clean, and this should be the end of the story. He finds the speculation in the press regrettable and believes that athletes who have never tested positive should be supported by their Federation and the Olympic movement. He urges recognition of extraordinary talent without unwarranted suspicion.
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Ye Shiwen wins women's 200m breaststroke at China's National Swimming Championships.

2012 Olympic champion Ye Shiwen set a new personal best in the women's 200-meter breaststroke to claim victory over the...
Video thumb: Ye Shiwen wins women's 200m breaststroke at China's National Swimming Championships.