Ron Hextall's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Ice Hockey

Ron Hextall's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Sprains Left Knee 1989-11-14 Missed 8 games. The collision caused a sprain in the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the left knee. Hextall's aggressive style of play often put him in physical confrontations. In a game against the Washington Capitals, Hextall collided with an opposing player. 3 weeks Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) along with physical therapy. Minor; returned without significant issues. Slight hesitation in physical confrontations initially. No prior knee injuries reported. Returned in December 1989. Moderate RICE protocol, physical therapy. Team doctors and physiotherapists. No long-term issues reported. Strengthening exercises for knee stability. Missed 8 games. Swelling and pain in the knee. Moderate; required monitoring and strengthening. Team and family support. Team facility.
Strains Right Groin 1992-03-08 Missed 12 games of the regular season. Hextall's aggressive playing style often put him at risk for lower body injuries. The strain was severe enough to sideline him for a significant portion of the season. During a game against the New York Rangers, Hextall overstretched while making a save. 4 weeks Physical therapy focused on strengthening and flexibility exercises. Ice and anti-inflammatory treatments were used. Minor impact; returned to form after recovery. Increased caution in movements post-recovery. None reported in the same area prior. Returned in April 1992. Moderate Ice therapy, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy. Team physicians and physical therapists. No long-term issues reported. Incorporated more stretching and warm-up routines. Missed 12 games. Sharp pain in the groin area during movement. Moderate; required careful rehabilitation. Supported by team medical staff and family. Team facility and local physical therapy clinic.
Strains Right Hamstring 1995-01-16 Missed 5 games. The strain was a result of overexertion during a high-intensity practice session. Hamstring strains are common in athletes who perform sudden, explosive movements. During practice, Hextall overstretched while making a lateral movement. 2 weeks Rest, ice, gentle stretching, and strengthening exercises. Minor; fully recovered. None significant reported. No prior hamstring injuries reported. Returned in February 1995. Mild Rest, ice, physical therapy. Team medical staff. No long-term issues reported. Increased focus on hamstring strength and flexibility. Missed 5 games. Sharp pain in the back of the thigh. Low; managed with proper conditioning. Supported by team and family. Team facility.

Ron Hextall's Sports Injuries Videos

Ron Hextall Slash

Ron Hextall slashing the Oilers' Kent Nilsson.
Video thumb: Ron Hextall Slash

Flyers GM Ron Hextall discusses Michael Raffl's injury.

Flyers general manager Ron Hextall talks about left wing Michael Raffl being out for six weeks with a lower-body injury that...
Video thumb: Flyers GM Ron Hextall discusses Michael Raffl's injury.