Margaret Purce's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Soccer

Margaret Purce's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Ankle Injuries right ankle 2018-05-11 Swelling and difficulty walking. Margaret Purce suffered a right ankle injury during a critical match in May 2018. The injury occurred while she was trying to make a sharp turn to evade an opponent. Twisted her ankle during a match while attempting a sharp turn. 4 weeks Underwent physical therapy and used a supportive ankle brace. Missed several important matches during the recovery period. Experienced frustration and concern about long-term impact on her agility. None reported on the right ankle. Returned to full training and competition after 4 weeks. Moderate Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), and physical therapy. Team physiotherapist and orthopedic specialist. Occasional mild discomfort during intense activity. Strengthening exercises and ankle taping before matches. Missed 3 league matches. Sharp pain, swelling, and inability to put weight on the ankle. Moderate, particularly without proper warm-up and Support from team, family, and medical staff. Team's training facility.
Concussions head 2022-03-14 Dizziness, headaches, and temporary loss of consciousness. In March 2022, Margaret Purce experienced a concussion after a head-to-head collision with another player during a match. She was immediately taken off the field for medical evaluation. Suffered a head collision with another player during a match. 3 weeks Complete rest followed by a gradual return to physical and cognitive activities. Missed several training sessions and one competitive match. Increased anxiety about potential long-term cognitive effects. No prior concussions reported. Resumed full training and matches after clearance from a neurologist. Moderate Rest, monitoring for worsening symptoms, and gradual reintroduction to physical activity. Neurologist, team doctor. Potential for increased sensitivity to future head injuries. Use of protective headgear during training and matches. Missed 1 competitive match. Dizziness, headache, and confusion. Moderate to high, depending on future head impacts Support from medical staff, team, and family. Home and supervised medical facilities.
Strains left hamstring 2020-08-21 Severe pain and inability to continue training. During an intense training session in August 2020, Margaret Purce pulled her left hamstring while sprinting. This injury significantly affected her training schedule. Pulled her left hamstring while sprinting during a training session. 6 weeks Engaged in a progressive rehabilitation program, including stretching, strengthening, and gradual return to running. Had to withdraw from an upcoming tournament. Felt a temporary loss of confidence in her sprinting ability. No previous hamstring injuries reported. Returned to full competition after 6 weeks of rehabilitation. Severe Rest, physical therapy, and use of anti-inflammatory medications. Team physiotherapist, sports doctor. Risk of re-injury if not properly managed. Regular hamstring strengthening and flexibility exercises. Missed 2 friendly matches and 1 tournament. Sharp pain in the back of the thigh and difficulty walking. High, if not properly rehabilitated. Support from teammates, coaches, and medical staff. Team's training facility and personal physiotherapist.

Margaret Purce's Sports Injuries Videos

Midge Purce tears her ACL. 😔

It feels like we were seeing Midge Purce reach what was probably the peak of her career. We obviously saw it on display when Gotham won the NWSL championship at the end of last season. I'm just sick of seeing all these in-form female athletes go down before these massive competitions and big opportunities for them. It just makes me absolutely sick. There needs to be more research and resources around ending this horrible trend we're seeing of ACL tears in women's sports.
Video thumb: Midge Purce tears her ACL. 😔

St Mirren WFC captain dislocates kneecap and "hammers it back in place." 16/02/2020

During a Scottish Women's Championship Cup match against ICT, St Mirren Captain Jane O'Toole dislocated her...
Video thumb: St Mirren WFC captain dislocates kneecap and