Kaitlyn Weaver's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Figure Skating

Kaitlyn Weaver's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Ankle Injuries Right Ankle 2017-09-19 Swelling, pain, and limited mobility in the ankle. The injury occurred just before the competitive season, causing significant concern about her ability to compete at the highest level. Kaitlyn Weaver twisted her right ankle during a complex lift maneuver in a training session. 6 weeks Initial rest and ice treatment followed by physiotherapy to restore strength and mobility. Missed early season competitions but returned in time for key events. Frustration and anxiety about regaining full strength and performance ability. No significant previous ankle injuries. 2017-11-05 Moderate Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), and physiotherapy. Orthopedic specialist, physiotherapist, and sports physician. Slightly increased risk of future ankle injuries. Strengthening exercises and use of ankle support during training. Early season competitions including minor championships. Immediate pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight. Moderate, with a need for ongoing preventive measu Coaching team, partner Andrew Poje, and medical professionals. Sports rehabilitation facility and training center.
Concussions Head 2014-12-10 She experienced dizziness and headaches. Kaitlyn Weaver suffered a concussion during practice which led to immediate medical attention and a mandatory rest period. During a practice session, Kaitlyn Weaver collided with her partner Andrew Poje, causing her to fall and hit her head on the ice. 4 weeks She underwent cognitive and physical rest followed by a gradual return to skating under medical supervision. She had to withdraw from a few practice sessions and competitions to ensure full recovery. The injury caused significant stress and anxiety about returning to the ice. None related to concussions. 2015-01-15 Moderate Rest, cognitive therapy, and gradual return to physical activity. Neurologist, sports physician, and physiotherapist. No long-term impact reported. Enhanced safety protocols during practice sessions. Several practice sessions and minor competitions. Dizziness, headaches, and confusion. Moderate, with a need for careful monitoring. Family, coaching team, and medical professionals. Local sports rehabilitation center.

Kaitlyn Weaver's Sports Injuries Videos

Stepping into the light: Olympic Ice Dancer Kaitlyn Weaver Comes Out

In an exclusive interview, Kaitlyn Weaver discusses her journey of coming out publicly as a queer woman. Weaver reflects on her long path to self-acceptance and the significance of stepping into her identity, especially after retiring from competitive ice dancing. She shares how the pause brought by the 2020 pandemic forced her to confront her true self and the urgency brought on by life’s brevity. Weaver talks about the challenges of hiding her queerness during her skating career, the pressure of maintaining a hyper-feminine and heteronormative image, and the mental health toll it took. She describes her partnership with Andrew Poje, highlighting his unwavering support and the authenticity of their connection on and off the ice. Weaver hopes her story will inspire others in the figure skating community to embrace their true selves and push for greater inclusivity within the sport. She emphasizes the importance of not feeling alone and the need for figure skating to become more diverse and accepting of all identities. As she looks to the future, Weaver is focused on personal growth and her initiative, the Open Ice Collective, which aims to make skating more inclusive. She concludes with a message of safety and support for those considering coming out, acknowledging the generations of LGBTQ+ individuals who paved the way for such conversations.
Video thumb: Stepping into the light: Olympic Ice Dancer Kaitlyn Weaver Comes Out

Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 2019 Canadian Tire National Skating Championships - Free Dance + Interview

Music: S.O.S. d'un terrien en détresse by Luc Plamondon, Michel Berger, arranged by Maxime Rodriguez FD score: 70.22 (TES) + ...
Video thumb: Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 2019 Canadian Tire National Skating Championships - Free Dance + Interview