Greg LeMond's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Cycling

Greg LeMond's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Back Injuries Lower Back 1994-06-14 Chronic lower back pain and muscle spasms During the latter part of his career, Greg LeMond developed chronic lower back pain due to the intense physical demands of professional cycling. This injury significantly affected his performance and training regimen. Overuse and strain from intense cycling training Ongoing management required Physical therapy, stretching exercises, and pain management techniques High; contributed to his decision to retire in 1994 Stress and frustration from chronic pain Gunshot wound in 1987, fractured wrist in 1992 N/A High Physical therapy, pain management, and sometimes medication Physical therapists and sports medicine specialists Chronic pain and reduced mobility Proper training techniques and regular stretching Several races leading up to retirement Persistent pain and stiffness in the lower back High Family, medical team, and cycling community Various physical therapy centers
Fractures Left Wrist 1992-06-30 Fractured left wrist and extensive bruising LeMond crashed during the 1992 Tour de France, leading to a fractured left wrist. Despite the injury, he attempted to continue racing but eventually had to withdraw. Crash during the Tour de France 8 weeks Immobilization of the wrist followed by physical therapy Moderate; affected performance in the 1992 Tour de France Frustration due to inability to compete at the highest level Gunshot wound in 1987 1992 Moderate Casting and physical therapy Team doctors and physical therapists Occasional pain and stiffness in the wrist Improved bike handling and race strategy Remainder of the 1992 Tour de France Pain, swelling, and inability to move the wrist Moderate Team, family, and medical staff Team facilities and local hospital
Fractures Right Leg 1987-04-19 Multiple fractures and severe internal injuries Greg LeMond was accidentally shot by his brother-in-law during a hunting trip, resulting in multiple fractures in his right leg, severe internal injuries, and significant blood loss. Accidental gunshot wound during a hunting trip 6 months Extensive physical therapy and gradual return to cycling training Significant; missed the entire 1987 season Severe; required mental resilience to recover None 1988 High Surgery to remove shotgun pellets and repair fractures, followed by physical therapy Orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists Ongoing pain and reduced strength in the right leg N/A (accidental injury) 1987 Tour de France and other key races Extreme pain, bleeding, and immobility Low Family, medical team, and cycling community Local hospital and rehabilitation center

Greg LeMond's Sports Injuries Videos

Freak Injury Greg LeMond - Funny Animation

Animation by Asle Rognlien: Greg LeMond was unable to successfully defend his Tour de France title. He was out hunting with his...
Video thumb: Freak Injury Greg LeMond - Funny Animation

Greg LeMond discusses his hunting accident (audio)

Robin Williams interviews Greg LeMond in 2000, discussing his hunting accident in 1987. Greg recalls how he was critically injured by a 12-gauge shotgun while turkey hunting with his brother-in-law. The accident left him with multiple pellets in his heart and liver, causing severe blood loss and requiring emergency medical intervention. Despite being on top of his sport and entering his prime, the accident drastically altered his career. He had to undergo several surgeries and faced skepticism about his ability to return to competitive racing. Greg shares how he managed to return to racing despite the severe injuries and the challenges he faced in convincing teams of his recovery.
Video thumb: Greg LeMond discusses his hunting accident (audio)