Goran Ivanišević's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Tennis

Goran Ivanišević's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Knee Injuries right knee 2000-03-14 Swelling and instability Ivanišević experienced a right knee injury during a match, which caused significant swelling and instability, forcing him to withdraw from several tournaments. Twisted knee during a match 2-3 months Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), and physical therapy Missed important tournaments, affecting his ranking Anxiety about re-injury None noted in the same area Returned in mid-2000 Moderate RICE and physical therapy Physiotherapist and orthopedic specialist Occasional knee pain and caution during matches Strengthening exercises and knee support Several ATP tournaments Sharp pain and swelling Moderate Medical team and coach Home and sports clinic
Shoulder Injuries left shoulder 2001-12-31 Severe pain and reduced range of motion Goran Ivanišević struggled with a left shoulder injury that severely impacted his serving ability. The injury was a result of repetitive strain from his powerful serves. Repetitive strain from serving Several months Physical therapy, rest, and anti-inflammatory medication Significantly hampered his performance and led to a drop in rankings Increased frustration and pressure None noted in the same area Returned in late 2002 High Physical therapy and medication Team doctor and physiotherapist Chronic pain and occasional flare-ups Modified training regimen to reduce strain Several ATP tournaments Pain and stiffness in the shoulder Moderate to high Family, coach, and medical team Home and specialized sports clinic
Wrist Injuries right wrist 1999-08-09 Pain and limited movement Ivanišević suffered a right wrist injury due to overuse from intense practice sessions, which resulted in pain and limited movement, affecting his backhand shots. Overuse from intense practice sessions 6 weeks Rest, splinting, and physical therapy Temporary decline in performance Frustration due to limited practice None noted in the same area Returned in late 1999 Moderate Rest, splinting, and physical therapy Physiotherapist and sports doctor Occasional wrist pain Wrist strengthening exercises and proper rest A few ATP tournaments Pain and stiffness in the wrist Moderate Medical team and coach Home and sports clinic

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