Carly Patterson's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Gymnastics

Carly Patterson's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Ankle Injuries Right Ankle 2004-02-09 Swelling and severe pain, inability to bear weight on the right ankle. Carly Patterson sustained a right ankle injury that required immediate medical attention. This injury occurred during a critical training period leading up to the 2004 Olympics. Injury occurred during a floor routine landing. 6 weeks Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), followed by physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. Briefly interrupted her Olympic preparation but she managed to recover in time. Increased stress about readiness for upcoming competitions. None related to the right ankle before this incident. 2004-03-25 Moderate RICE protocol, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications. Team physician and physical therapist. Increased focus on ankle stability exercises. Ankle taping and wearing supportive footwear during training. 2004 American Cup. Severe pain, swelling, and inability to walk. Moderate, mitigated through ongoing physical thera Family, coach, and medical team. Team training facility.
Back Injuries Lower Back 2003-05-14 Severe pain and limited mobility. Carly Patterson experienced a significant lower back injury which impacted her ability to train and compete. This injury required her to take a break from gymnastics to focus on recovery. Injury occurred during a training session while performing a complex dismount. 3 months Physical therapy focused on strengthening the core and lower back muscles, along with rest and gradual return to activity. Caused her to miss several competitions and delayed her training schedule. Increased anxiety about performing high-difficulty skills. None related to the lower back before this incident. 2003-08-20 High Physical therapy, rest, and anti-inflammatory medications. Sports physician and physical therapist. Increased focus on core strength to prevent future injuries. Implemented a more rigorous warm-up and conditioning routine focused on back health. 2003 U.S. Gymnastics Championships. Sharp pain and inability to perform certain movements. Moderate, managed through ongoing physical therapy Family, coach, and medical team. Local sports rehabilitation facility.
Wrist Injuries Left Wrist 2004-07-04 Pain and limited range of motion in the left wrist. Carly Patterson injured her left wrist during a critical training session just weeks before the 2004 Olympics. Despite this injury, she managed to compete and perform successfully. Injury occurred during uneven bars routine. 4 weeks Rest, bracing, and physical therapy focused on wrist strengthening and mobility. Required modification of training routines but did not prevent her from competing in the Olympics. Increased determination to overcome the injury and succeed. None related to the left wrist before this incident. 2004-08-13 Moderate Bracing, rest, and physical therapy. Team physician and physical therapist. Ongoing wrist strengthening exercises incorporated into her routine. Wrist guards and additional wrist conditioning exercises. None, competed in the 2004 Olympics as planned. Pain and difficulty in performing certain movements. Low, managed through preventive measures and ongoi Family, coach, and medical team. Olympic training facility.

Carly Patterson's Sports Injuries Videos

Carly Patterson - "Oh, that's too bad!"

I love this, she is so funny!
Video thumb: Carly Patterson -

Unsuccessful (or Almost) Patterson Beam Dismount Attempts

Here comes that dismount. She has not been getting this around to her feet without a huge squat. She's going to take a deduction again. She has missed a huge double Arabian. This is a big dismount plan. And here's that dismount. What makes it even harder than Ali's is she does two back handsprings immediately into the double Arabian landing and didn't quite touch. Actually, she dreamt then it happened. Big dismount and nowhere near enough rotation. Double Arabian to finish, huge steps on the landing. Every little deduction adds up. Right here, huge dismount, Arabian double front. You could see her left shoulder. You know what, that one was better. Look at the landing though. She really just locks those legs out when she lands and it pushes her hips backwards. And that's disappointing.
Video thumb: Unsuccessful (or Almost) Patterson Beam Dismount Attempts