Anett Kontaveit's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Tennis

Anett Kontaveit's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Back Injuries Lower Back 2023-06-19 Had to withdraw from several tournaments. The injury was significant enough to force her to take a break from competition and focus on rehabilitation. Anett Kontaveit sustained a back injury during a training session. 3 months Underwent physical therapy and strength training to recover. Missed key tournaments including the US Open. Reported feeling frustrated and anxious about her return. No prior significant back injuries reported. Returned in October 2023 Moderate Physical therapy, rest, and anti-inflammatory medication. Team of physiotherapists and sports medicine doctors. Potential for recurring issues if not managed properly. Incorporated more core strengthening exercises into her routine. Missed Wimbledon and US Open 2023. Pain and stiffness in the lower back. Moderate, depending on management and preventive m Family, coach, and medical team. Estonia and specialized sports rehabilitation centers.
Sprains Right Ankle 2022-09-14 Had to retire from the match and missed subsequent tournaments. The ankle sprain was severe, causing significant swelling and requiring immediate medical attention. Twisted her right ankle during a match. 6 weeks Included rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), and physical therapy. Missed the final part of the 2022 season. Experienced frustration due to the interruption of her competitive rhythm. Had a minor sprain on the same ankle earlier in her career. Returned in November 2022 Severe RICE, physical therapy, and use of an ankle brace. Sports physiotherapist and orthopedic specialist. Increased risk of future ankle sprains. Strengthening exercises for the ankle and proprioception training. Missed the Asian swing of the 2022 WTA Tour. Sharp pain, swelling, and inability to put weight on the ankle. High, particularly in the first year post-injury. Coach, family, and physiotherapist. Local sports clinic and home exercises.
Wrist Injuries Left Wrist 2021-04-09 Had to take a break from playing to avoid worsening the condition. The injury was likely due to overuse, common in tennis players due to the repetitive nature of the sport. Developed pain in her left wrist due to repetitive strain. 2 months Included rest, wrist splints, and specific wrist exercises. Missed the clay season, including the French Open. Concern about long-term effects on her playing style. No significant previous wrist injuries reported. Returned in June 2021 Moderate Rest, wrist splints, and anti-inflammatory medication. Physiotherapist and wrist specialist. Potential for chronic pain if not managed properly. Adjusted training routines to reduce strain on the wrist. Missed the entire clay court season including the French Open 2021. Dull ache and stiffness in the wrist. Moderate, especially with high-intensity play. Coach, medical team, and family. Specialized wrist clinic and home exercises.

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