Aly Raisman's Sports Injuries

Type of Sport: Gymnastics

Aly Raisman's Sports Injuries Table

Type Area Date Consequences Content How It Happened Recovery Duration Rehabilitation Details Impact On Career Psychological Impact Previous Injuries Return To Competition Severity Treatment Medical Staff Long Term Impact Preventive Measures Competition Missed Initial Symptoms Re Injury Risk Support System Rehabilitation Location
Ankle Injuries Left Ankle 2015-03-14 Had to withdraw from the competition and undergo treatment. Raisman injured her left ankle during a floor exercise, causing her to miss the remainder of the competition. She focused on rehabilitation to ensure a full recovery. Landed awkwardly during a floor routine. 4-6 weeks RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) and physical therapy. Missed several competitions but returned stronger after recovery. Frustration and concern about the timing of the injury affecting her competitive schedule. Stress fracture in right leg (2012) 2015-05-01 Moderate RICE method, physical therapy, and gradual return to training. Team doctor, physical therapist, and athletic trainer. No significant long-term impact reported. Strengthening exercises for the ankle and improved landing techniques. Several domestic competitions. Sharp pain and swelling in the ankle immediately after the incident. Moderate, if not properly rehabilitated. Family, coaches, teammates, and medical team. Training facility and physical therapy center.
Concussions Head 2016-06-03 Experienced symptoms of a concussion and had to follow a concussion protocol. During a balance beam practice, Raisman fell and hit her head, resulting in a concussion. She had to follow a strict concussion management protocol before resuming training. Fell during a balance beam routine and hit her head. 2-3 weeks Rest, cognitive rest, and gradual return to physical activity as symptoms allowed. Short-term break from training but no long-term career impact. Increased caution and awareness about head injuries. Stress fracture in right leg (2012), left ankle injury (2015) 2016-06-25 Mild to Moderate Rest and gradual reintroduction to physical and cognitive activities. Neurologist, team doctor, and athletic trainer. No long-term impact reported. Improved safety measures and techniques during balance beam routines. None Headache, dizziness, and confusion immediately following the fall. Low to Moderate, if proper precautions are taken. Family, coaches, teammates, and medical team. Home and training facility.
Stress Fractures Right Leg 2012-05-09 Needed to reduce training intensity and modify routines. Aly Raisman suffered a stress fracture in her right leg due to the high demands of pre-Olympic training. This required her to adjust her training regimen to prevent further injury. Overuse during intense training sessions leading up to the Olympics. 6-8 weeks Physical therapy and reduced weight-bearing activities. Caused a temporary setback in her training schedule but did not prevent her from competing in the Olympics. Increased anxiety about maintaining peak performance while managing the injury. None 2012-07-27 Moderate Rest, physical therapy, and modified training. Team doctor and physical therapist No long-term impact reported. Incorporated more rest days and cross-training to avoid overuse injuries. None Persistent pain and discomfort in the leg during training. Moderate, if overtraining occurs. Family, coaches, and medical team. Training facility and physical therapy center.

Aly Raisman's Sports Injuries Videos

Aly Raisman: Gymnastics culture keeps athletes silent about abuse

Aly Raisman, now 23, discusses her experiences and the journey to the Olympics in her new book, "Fierce." While she refrains from detailing the sexual abuse by U.S. national team doctor Larry Nassar, she offers insights into the scandal affecting the highest levels of her sport. Raisman addresses why Nassar's accusers didn't speak up sooner, emphasizing the need to examine the culture and actions of USA Gymnastics and Nassar that manipulated the victims. She expresses anger and a strong desire to create change, ensuring young athletes never endure similar experiences. Raisman calls for significant changes in personnel training and education to protect athletes, highlighting that USA Gymnastics includes 165,000 athletes and 3,400 gyms.
Video thumb: Aly Raisman: Gymnastics culture keeps athletes silent about abuse

Gymnast Aly Raisman Recovering After Breaking Her Arm

Gymnast and Needham native Aly Raisman is recovering from a broken elbow. The Olympic athlete shared a picture and tweeted, "I survived two Olympic Games and 19 years of gymnastics without ever breaking a bone. The stairs got me. I fell and broke my elbow."
Video thumb: Gymnast Aly Raisman Recovering After Breaking Her Arm

2012 Olympic Gymnast Aly Raisman's Hilarious Parents' Reaction

Aly Raisman's parents' reaction during Aly's 2012 Olympics bar routine.
Video thumb: 2012 Olympic Gymnast Aly Raisman's Hilarious Parents' Reaction