Sports injury consequences

Injury in sport is something that happens to most of us and it can very often feel that you will never be the same again. However with careful rehabilitation, normal participation in sport can almost always be resumed.


I can't wait

The extent of the injury obviously dictates how long recovery will take, but patience is needed for allowing the injury to heal, and to regain strength and flexibility, building up gradually and not returning to your sport too early.

Wise words

When returning to your sport there are two essential things to remember. The first is not to play for example a full on football match or tennis tournament, but ease into things gradually. Secondly it is vital to warm up. After injury the risk of further injury is higher and so warming up is a small price to pay to save further injury. Warming up brings blood and oxygen to the working parts and lubricates the joints. Make warm ups part of your sport and allow time to arrive a little early in order to do them.

Injury depression

It doesn't have to be the end of the world - you can bounce back fitter than ever!

Injury through sport can leave you feeling depressed, especially if you are training towards and event and there are deadlines to meet. Others are at training sessions and you can only watch. Ways to help are to keep the rest of the body fit which takes away that useless feeling, do your stretches, strengthening and flexibility exercises keeping in mind that these are repairing you, and remember that you are not the only one injured, injury happens to most of us at one time or another.

All in the mind

When you restart your sport it's only natural to worry about a recurring injury. The best thing to do is forget about it because you are now fully mended and thinking about a previous injury can make you tense and cause you to play awkwardly, and this can do more harm than just performing naturally and normally.